Tuesday, November 22, 2011

About the Dead Sea Scrolls -

A recent Yahoo article entitled "Mystery of Dead Sea Scrolls Authors possibly solved" didn't get much into the more important subject -  the authenticity of one of the ancient documents that were found. 

(click on the above link title to read that yahoo article)

The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 hidden in the Kumron caves in Israel.  Dated back to the time of the existence of, an ancient Hebrew people.  It's believed that during a time of Roman occupation, the scrolls were hidden in the caves preserved and hidden in pottery.

Among many documents discovered, were an original hand written copy of 66 books of Isiah.

The significance of those ancient scriptures discovered is that when we compare the ones found w/ our modern day copy of the book of Isiah, we discovered that they are almost 100% similar except for "one" word and a few grammatical errors.  This demonstrates that the copy that we have within our Bibles of the book of Isiah has been preserved for over 2000 years.  The book of Isiah is one of the most important books of the Old Testament.  Its prophecies include the coming of the Messiah, His birth and resurrection as well as the purpose of His coming.   Not to mention that it shows that ancient Hebrews have been in that area for thousands of years.   Many have previously contended that the Biblical scriptures are stories of stories written down and that the original copies have been altered or corrupted throughout the centuries but all that falls flat now that we see how well preserved those ancient copies have withstood the test of time.