Wednesday, November 23, 2016



It's a special time to be thankful to GOD for His grace and mercy.   

Around this time of year we often come across the gestures of thanksgiving void of God but we should be thankful to God throughout the whole year, and also during Thanksgiving Day especially as Americans.

As usual, these elements of secualarism try and extract the Christian influence within our national identity.  But history shows that the pilgrams of the first Thanksgiving invited Native Americans to THEIR feast, and in light of the Native Americans being pagans, the Pilgrams gave thanks to their Christian God on behalf of the pagans among them as a unifying gesture. 

Today "athiests" are not thankful to God in their lives BUT when things go wrong, they blame God.   Those who don't want to believe in God still want to hate on God and criticize God.    And that's why Romans Chapt. 1 says that those (who hate God) "surpress the Truth in unrighteousness".  It also says, They aren't thankful to God.

"For although they KNEW God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened."
- Romans 1:21

1 Timothy Chapt. 3  states that it is a foolish and sinful heart not to be thankful to God.

We can always find someone to extend thanks to about many things.  However, on a universal level, if there's no object or source controlling it all, then we're giving thanks to chance, and chance isn't an entity that we can apply human appreciation towards.  It just is....

We're not promised tomorrow let alone wealth and prosperity.  All these things we can have if we strive for them, and if the opportunity allows.   But God is the One who sets our feet where we find them, and it's by His grace that we can attain any of the above with health, consciousness and the providence God affords us.  

The Bible says, "Be still and know that I am God". 
I'm thankful to God for my family; our health and all the opportunity God has set before us.  In spite of so many close calls in my life and the lives of my loved ones around me, I'm grateful to God for helping us side-step much worst possibilities, trials and tribulations.

God bless!