Interview Offers Glimpse Into Killer's Mind - ABC News
It's everywhere... everywhere we read, every channel we surf, every search engine...
More and more news of depraved acts being commited. It's intensifying despite the argument that the increase is due to more media outlets. Forget that and Do believe the hype!
The same media that'll deny the causation of greater depravity because of secularization is the same media that'll try and convince you... " It's just " normal " or that our society isn't experiencing a decrease in morality. With the proliferation of violence in our music and our movies; the irradicaton of the respect for human life; our dislocated standards of our family values... etc., etc., etc.
If one can't see it, it's because one doesn't want to. Denial is a powerful thing.
(click on the above title link) to read yet another sad, sad account of an evil child predator who so casually could destroy the life of a innocent 7 year old, Jorelys Rivera and then hang himself in prison.
Again, another one who jumps from the frying pan right into the fire of eternal hell.
Romans 12:9 ".. Hate what is evil ".
Mark 10:14 ... " When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. "