Spanking kids can cause long-term harm: Canada study
Proverbs 13:24
" He that spares his rod hates his son: but he that loves him chastens him early. "
Notice how this controverial topic is brought up stating that 80 studies demonstrate that diciplining children can cause harm to them. The article doesn't list how this evidence was collected or examples or descriptions of evidence to this effect. We'll just have to look up these studies and read up on them ourselves to get more necessary information because the article fails to. Also, the article doesn't make the distinction between what is defined as corporal punishment, its intensity, frequency nor does it mention childrens' ages, etc.
In college, I remember my psychology professor told me that he did not believe in spanking his children. However, he told his students the story of a particular day when his young son ran ahead of him into traffic despite his calling out the young boy's name. The boy decided not to stop and ran across into traffic almost getting hit by cars. My professor told us that he had to spank his son and the reason he gave us was that he could not take the chance of that ever happening again. He later made sure he explained to his son why he spanked him. If ever his son tried crossing the street without his father again, it would almost certainly mean him getting run over by a car. The "next time" could indeed be the last time.
In a society where parental disobedience and the negative societal influences of drugs, individualism, selfishness and indifference plagues our families, taking away a parent's right to use discretion on how to use discipline on their own kids is practically like letting our kids be raised by a pack of wolves.
(Click on the above title to read the full article)