Is this 15 yr old the face of a demon-like killer? It was for her 9 year old neighbor whom she stabbed, strangled and slashed her throat, and then hid her body in the woods. Afterwards wrote in her journal that it was an "ahmazing and pretty enjoyable experience" after heading off to church. She is now serving a life sentence for the murder. And just like a lot of young thrill killers recorded, she just wanting to know what it felt like to kill someone.
Where are they getting this from? Are they insane? Most aren't. Somewhere, somehow, I believe they're influenced to do stuff like this and the legal repercussions isn't ever enough to stop them. Moral repercussions? ... They don't seem to have any morals to begin with. Common sense must beg the question, "What is it in these young lives that awakens the curiosity about comitting such a hanious act"? Where did they learn such insensitivity to another individual? If we're honest and respond normally to our own conscience and convictions, I believe common sense itself takes us to the real answers. Yet psychologists and even crimminologist can only come up with theoretics and fanciful speculations in behavioral and organic cerebral studies, etc.and have you looking like a dog chasing his own tail.
(Click on the above titled link to read the full story)