Monday, March 27, 2017

And the culture of sewage aint slowing down:

And the culture of sewage aint slowing down:

(first draft)

It is true that even though Obama is out of Washington, still, in the states there are severe issues and evil embedded on the local level with regard to this diabolical social push into cultural madness.  And it truly is "madness"!  It's grounded in the most deceptive, dark and backwards anarchy/evil ever seen in our culture.  The thought that people of renown: professionals, smart people, supreme court judges, lawyers, professors, educators, medical doctors, philosophers, etc., can endorse such unscientific and irrational BS!   It blows your mind.   How can anyone consider these things unless they have a grounding and understanding of supernatural warfare detailed within the Holy Scriptures????    And there's no debating going on w/ regard to these matters.... they just expect people to swallow this craziness whole...

This is the "aha" for anyone who understands Biblical truth!  For years, we've read the Bible, and it details this very type of evil and Hell-bound heart depravity, and people - believers take it as truth by faith.  But today, these things are ever before us, with NO denial or ambiguity.  But those that are being led to the slaughter and are perishing aren't going to see the Bible literally unfold before their eyes!  

The accounts of Noah, Soddam and Gomorrah, Jonah, Revelation, Romans chapt. 1, "The Day of the Lord", (wherever it's mentioned in the OT/NT, etc.

Yet believers have for themselves the proof of our Lord's Words come to fruition w/in our very own lifetime.  WHAT-THE-HELL!!!.... LOL.... It blows me away!

Along with the elements of evil growing in aggressiveness to push on these God-resisting and blasphemous campaigns, there's also another element, just as evil which SILENCES those who SEE these things growing.  There are always people who recognize with these evils and are supposed to stand for truth, but allow themselves to deny Christ and the truth, just like Peter denied Christ. Because they don't have a God-saving love of the truth, they give in to cowardice and end up denying Christ.

It doesn't matter if they see the tide rising above their children's schools or future; it doesn't matter that they see how these evils are taking influence w/in the culture everywhere imaginable, they will not be moved from their "safe spaces", and their comfortable self-righteous positions within their religious comfort zones.    "They give hearty approval" with their silence and with the critique of the church for standing up to these cultural anomalies.  

It's extremely sad.   Because when that tidal wave comes, THEY TOO will be washed away in the most brutal and forsaking way.  

They will be the ones hearing Christ say, "I don't know you... get away from me with your lawlessness"!  

How scary and sad is that???    "Those who deny me in this wicked and adulterous generation, I will deny...".

SAD and SCARY indeed!   Because The Bible speaks how the cowardly will be damned.   To be cowardly is to have NO faith ....and "True faith knows no fear".   

Credits:  transmaddness/LGBT influence in schools, courts, sports, greater culture, etc.
Muder/terrorism on the rise; fascist-liberalism; 

Bible: Evil will increase / lawlessness / depravity / man's heart /