IN FACT, only what's for the Kingdom is what's truly important...not what we are momentarily dealing with. All that we're dealing with is the course of life...
life, death, taxes, suffering, dancing, joy, pain, laughter, responsibilities, goals, set backs, recreation, vacations, playtime, bills, milestones, etc., etc.
So the worst thing we can do is get too boggled down ON US when there are more important (and eternal ) Spiritual things to deal with.
We are to "Be about our Father's business", not our own.
And although, God is "involved in the affairs of men"; Although God does know "When even a sparrow falls from the sky"; Although God does "Number the hairs on our heads".... Still...
We have to give all those things over to Him, and then wait on Him for the answers and for Him to provide. The Lord was clear; "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of Heaven, and all these things will be added unto you".
There's no greater way to prove your faith in Him than to lay your problems before the "Throne of Grace", and move on in faith.
It doesn't mean that we become uncaring about our personal responsibility to ourselves and others. If anything, it empowers our clear thinking in order to better serve ourselves and others.
Because worry has never added an inch to anyone's stature.
Like the quote in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"...
"In life, We either gets to livin' or gets to dying"...
God has given us the assurance of eternal life... What decision are we going to make??
That should be an easy one!
Be empowered in The Eternal Lord: Creator and sustainer of EVERYTHING.

"He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?"
- Mark 4:40