... is yet another day to give glory to God!
Because without God, we would have no earth. :)
And when we think of all the wonders of our earth and how it obeys all of the universal laws that God has set forth for it to even consist and exist, again, we have to give thanks to our God.
This message is for those who need to be reminded of how amazing the power of God is to have created this earth and even further be able to sustain its function in order to even continue our very existence .... despite all the scientific probabilities to the contrary.
To believe that the earth's origin, this existence and sustaining of our earth is by mere chance, and continues by chance is literally to have committed oneself to floppy shoes, a rubber nose and simply walking yourself into your nearest mental institution.
The Bible teaches that God's creation glorifies Him. The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies testify to His handiwork (Psalm 9:1). The Bible teaches that God has purposed mankind to replenish the earth and to care for it. (Book of Genesis) So we have a responsibility towards the earth but at the same time, we do not worship the earth. God forbid. Having reverence of the creation above The Creator is a serious offense to God.
"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. " -(Exodus 20:4-5)
We don't have to fear losing the earth or destroying the earth... Why? .. Because only God is the creator of the earth and only God can destroy the earth. And while the earth remains He has promised that ", seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." - Gen. 8:22.
What we do have to be concerned about is defiling the earth and that is done by literally undoing His command to replenish the earth with people when those people are unfit to inhabit God's earth because of unrighteousness. The Bible states that the land will "vomit out" its inhabitants because of corruption and sin. Throughout the Old Testament we see that all the evil pagan empires died off and their people as an individual identity were wiped from the earth. These were civilizations and cultures that we can only read about today.
So our responsibility as earth-dwellers is not just to pick up our litter but MORE IMPORTANTLY, to raise up righteous seed to form generations to bless the earth with humanity that will bring forth glory to God as it is meant to be. Despite what some might believe, God worshipers blanketing the earth glorifies God a lot more than even a select animal species that have become extinct. It's part of life - and truly a matter of life and death where it matters most.
To those who love God, He blesses by blessing their children and offspring, and even promises of long life upon the earth are also given. Righteousness to God is tied - in with long life and fruitfulness.
Today, the loudest ones who are portraying themselves as earth lovers are either modern day (pagan) earth worshipers in the same evil spirit of ancient pagan religions that have always existed before OR political strategists seeking power through this as an agenda in order to control a conglomerate of environmental, geographical and scientific globalized community base. They care very little about the earth but simply want to draw in a crowd of people who will buy in to politics hiding behind a noble cause. And although they do not have the science to back up their claims that humans are the main cause of drastic climate change (or global warming if you prefer), the sentimentality, dramatic media coverage hype of lies and total exaggerations is enough to get the masses in their favor.
The earth is a gift to us from God and so, to pay more attention to it above God Himself is to regard the gift above the gift-giver. We are never to regard anything above God (as per the first commandment) nor should we believe that earthly or universal mysteries in themselves are where the power of life exists. God alone is the Creator and Sustainer of life.
God is the first cause of our existence upon the earth. Lets give thanks to Him because if we don't, we fail to see that no creation is as awesome as its Creator. Praise God!
Glory to God - Happy Earth Day!!!