This Easter, our President decided to take an opportunity to once again insult and unjustly identify Christians as "unloving"; although he (unfairly) gave no examples to justify his words. This comes right smack in the face of the most massive Christian persecution by Muslim extremists we've ever seen in history. Mr. President couldn't wait to do this but on Christianity's holiest of days, ...the day we celebrate our Lord's Resurrection.
Also, at the National Prayer Breakfast, in February, he accused Christians of being guilty of killing in the name of Christ during the Crusades, Inquisition and racism in American history, etc.. Knowing fully well that true Christians don't go to war with the sword as written in the Word of God but instead identify themselves by Christ's love, the spreading of Christ's Gospel, and laying down their lives for Him - as history clearly testifies to. Never has any true Christian doctrine promoted slavery, prejudice or racism because no doctrines can be argued for these things then nor now, and the scripture itself is proof of this.
But these ignorant attacks upon the Christian faith spouted out by our own President will only empower those extreme secular groups in his far left side of politics and also the same extremists who are physically finding it within their evil hearts to continue beheading Christians around the world.
Evil is exclusive to the wicked and evil hearts of men that contradict Christ's teaching, and any time the name of Christ is used to justify evil, it is more than evident that their actions contradict the Words of Christ.
Jesus Himself said that we are ONLY His friends if we do what He says. (John 15:14)
These aren't the only times when our President has mocked the Bible while still claiming to be Christian. Jesus said, "You'll know them by their fruits".
But hatred of Christ and the persecution of Christians in the world is in full effect around the world physically and politically, and there is no little proof of this by what is being seen around the world today.
The LGBT lobby is an instrument by the secular extreme left to change our constitutional laws and the Christian fabric that has held together the morality of not only our constitutional history but also recorded human history by attacking the institutions of family and marriage that has been the staple of human societies for thousands of years.
In an effort to develop a human rights campaign for a minority group that makes up ONLY about 2%-5% of the American population, we've seen a monstrous attack on religious liberties that have been in place since the forming of our American Constitution. So while tolerance is being cried out by political persecutors, people of faith in our country are being marginalized, prosecuted and imprisoned for their faith. The hypocrisy couldn't be more clear. These Americans stand to continue losing their jobs, their rights of free speech to express their opposition, and are themselves now the bullied and persecuted minority. Today, even having an opinion against what the secular-run powers that be want to indoctrinate, is enough to get your voice shut down in the public square.
We're seeing these things taking place globally and our western powers are in the forefront of kindling the flames of these modern times.
If anyone still questions whether we're in last days or if this President is Christian, they're without a doubt suffering from the blindness that only comes upon a people during the very judgment of God right before judgement sets upon a land. (Read Romans Chapt. 1)
Barack Obama is not Christian but a deceitful antichrist under the control of the powers that will eventually bring on a new world order. His confessions of Christ are a lie and we need not be fooled by him. For "Satan is the father of lies" and those that take up after him do his will. What more obedience to evil is the persecution of the Saints? (Read John 8:44)
"and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world." - 1 John 4:3
Let us pray for our families, our land...
Let us pray that God's will be done as He would have it, and let us hold our heads up in confidence because our redemption is drawing near.
Come Lord, Jesus!
I just had to include Alfonzo Rachel's video on this subject.
Makes ya wanna go "AMEN"! 50 times!