Multi-Million Dollar movie created and targeted towards Christians by atheist producer for the sole purpose of mischaracterizing God and His message, and confusing a younger generation of children who won't be lead to God's Truth by their parents. Oh, and becoming richer as a result of it.
There it is ... I said it!
My message to Hollywood is "Continue finding your fiction from your creative mind and leave the Bible alone". Or better yet, go mischaracterize Mohammed and the Koran if you will.
There are enough stumbling blocks to Biblical Truth being produced by our society already.
Wishy-washy believers compromise right before they drift away from God and fall out of the faith.
Today, there's no fear of God; not even by those who call themselves "Christian". But again, if Jesus didn't intend for us to judge, discriminate, assess, discern, etc., why would He say "A tree is known by its fruit"? A bad tree produces NO Godly fruit.