If you're not Christian, I can understand. If you're part of a "works for righteousness" religion, it also makes sense to me.. But if you call yourself "Christian", you claim to read your Bible, and are offended by the preaching of REPENTANCE for the forgiveness of sins ... then shame on you.
Because the Gospel of Christ preached to a sick and dying world is found entirely throughout the scriptures; old and new testament. In fact, it's the central message of the scriptures in its entirety.
If you're embarrassed by someone exposing the evidence of aberrant sin so as to bring to light the shame that should be resident among people in our society, then shame on you! You're a coward!
Why? Because you're more embarrassed about the Gospel of Christ than you are about where the culture is heading.
Shame on you if you think that a true Christian preaching repentance on the corner is more concerned with his/her self-righteousness than on meeting the spiritual and eternal need of the perishing. This is evidence of the state of your cowardly heart.
"EXAMINE YOURSELF" to see if you're even in the faith or more concerned with tickling people's ears while you shut your eyes to the reality in which Christ died for us on the cross.
And then REPENT and read The Word to truly learn what Christ's message is. I assure you, if Christ where to be preaching the message of Joel Osteen today, He wouldn't have been crucified.
But remember, this isn't entirely about the message you're sending out but about the state of your heart before Jesus Christ.
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions," - 2 Tim.4:3