Matthew 7:1-5
"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.
It sounds really nice to say "don't judge others", "respect people's opinions". In fact, by saying so, people believe they are quoting the Bible, and they are when they say "Don't judge". But too many times, they are using the verse out of context and they refuse to see it.
Although it is true that God is the ultimate judge; we should respect other people's opinions and individuality, etc., it is however, WRONG when believers and non-believers alike use that verse to shut down people who speak out against sin, and proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
In this highly political world today, people think one is being political, judgmental and harsh when someone speaks against sin, and the increasing depravity within our culture.
However, notice how these are the same people who have NO opinions regarding the most obvious evidences of sin and depravity when it is so evident in our culture. Every time proof of our culture going down the drain is displayed in our 6 O'clock news, we see the reality of the tide coming in to our own back yards.
Sin and a moral cultural breakdown happens gradually, and it is obvious that non believers in Christ will be outspoken to allow it to continue growing, we also need to have people of Christian values speak out against it.
Inevitably, having an opinion about moral issues will either place a person "FOR" or "AGAINST" the issue and there's no other way around it. If you're against those things that we see affecting our culture negatively, you're inevitably JUDGING and discerning RIGHT FROM WRONG based on some standard or morality whether we want to admit it or not.
Now the issue remains whether we are to OPENLY express our opinions AGAINST something. Well, know this ... There are plenty of people fighting for, and openly approving things that we deem to be immoral. So while many people who consider themselves Christian think we can only THINK against those things but not SPEAK OUT openly about these things, the only voices being heard are the voices for the opponents of morality and gaining strength in their pursuits.
But even more significant is the commission that is set before us to "Go" and make disciples of all nations".. "teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you". And the command to tell people to repent ( Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 17:30) :
"The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, .. " - Acts 17:30
This is extremely important because there's no way to spread the Gospel of Christ without communicating the need for us all to repent. The call to repent is suggesting that we've ALL fallen short of the kingdom of heaven, and not one of us is acceptable outside of reconciliation with God, and reconciliation doesn't come without repentance of sins.
" for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,..." - Romans 3:23
" Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me". - Psalm 51:5
" All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” - Romans 3:12
" No one is good except God alone" - Mark 10:18
So we see that any proclamation of the Gospel of Christ is going to herald not only the good news of salvation (from the judgment to come) but also a call to repent for that reconciliation with God.
And that's where the problem lies today. No one wants to hear their need of repentance. In fact, some people who consider themselves Christian, don't want to hear that they have to repent either! Because the life of a Christian isn't just making a profession of faith (at some time in their life), it's continued repentance for sanctification and growth in the Spirit of God. So when people hear "REPENT", all people feel convicted. This is not only normal but GOOD. We should welcome this conviction because it's a call to continued cleansing and purification in The Lord. It is what is known as bearing fruit explained in John Chapt. 15.
So not only should all Christians continue to grow in Christ, they should spread the Gospel of Christ in any way they can. In so doing, we're not going to make a lot of friends in "the world", but we'll also be avoided by some "friends" and family who consider themselves Christian but won't be obedient to The Word of God. You'll know this because instead of comradery you'll get a lot more silence and rebukes than actual "Amens".
And by not being obedient to The Word, they're being ashamed of Christ and the gospel. Therefore, when we say REPENT, we're also including those who are ashamed of Christ; and since they know that this is sin, they don't like the rebuke of sin, since it includes THEM.
So when Matthew 7:1-5 is used out of context to silence even the heralding of the Gospel of Christ,
people are using it as ammunition to ease their own personal convictions of sin in their own lives just like Romans 1:32 details :
" Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them."- Romans 1:32
Because you can't preach repentance without making a statement against sin, and you can't be obedient to the great commission of spreading The Gospel without including God's coming judgment against sin on earth ...
An explanation of Matthew 7:1-5:
Matt. 7:1-5 describes an ungodly person in the act of making final judgments on people knowing fully well that they themselves are not justified by God because they are themselves in sin.
And although we are ALL sinners whether we're Christians or not, there is such thing is being fully justified by Christ, and having Christ's righteousness within us. (Galatians 2:16, Romans 3:24, Romans 5:1, 1 Corinthians 6:11, etc.).
Just imagine if all of the prophets throughout the OT and John "The Baptist" should have stopped preaching and spreading God's message to the earth because they had to consider the "beam" in their eyes! No, quite the contrary, we never preach our OWN righteousness but God's righteousness, especially in the face of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.
In conclusion, The Word of God is filled with scripture that guides us to use discernment of good/evil, to discriminate for ourselves using a Godly standard, "righteous judgment", and to choose Godly from evil, etc. (1 John 4:1, Matt. 7:24, Joshua 24:15, etc.). It's all over the Bible.
How could we then decide who we want near our children, what schools to pick, who to vote for based on their track record, etc. We have to use "righteous judgment" and "discrimination", and "discernment" EVERY DAY of our lives.
The LEAST we can do is call EVIL what it is, and especially when it threatens to shape the culture our children will be living in.
Pray for boldness, pray for Truth, and most of all, read The Word!