Sunday, March 9, 2014

As the world groans ...

Romans 8:22 -   " For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now".

We're created to worship God.  So we can either worship God, worship something else, or worship self. 

Either way, deep within humanity, we seek answers.   We seek to know who we are, and nothing explains that better and more honestly than The Word of God, The Bible. 

Until we find what we're looking for, there is inward conflict, frustration and groaning for truth, fulfillment, answers, and reality. 

The further away a culture drifts away from God, the further away from the Truth they'll be.   But the natural human needs remain the same, and thus, the groaning remains.

Notice how Hollywood always has to come out with dozens of Bible-based movies. 

We recently had "The Bible" series that came out a few months ago, a God movie from the same Bible series; there's a Noah movie coming out with Russel Crowe, I hear a new Moses movie coming out, and now there's even a cable series premier coming out on ABC entitled "Resurrection".    This is coming out right before Easter.  

Hollywood wants to capitalize on the groaning our culture has deep within to satisfy itself in Truth.   But no doubt as usual, the Biblical portrayals of these historical accounts in the Bible, if not presented honestly, historically and Biblically, won't lead people to Truth but instead, "religion", and false holiness without the True God. 

There is a cure for the pains and the groaning, and that cure is Jesus Christ.  

" The secular worldview relativizes morality, and our society has progressively compromised the moral system upon which it depends. A living body that has a compromised immune system will soon fail. A society that subverts its own moral immunities sows the seeds of its own destruction".   - Albert Mohler

" Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls"  - Matthew 11:29