A group of Brothers in the Lord have now have serious problems with the law because they decided to block an entrance to an abortion clinic in Kentucky. So much so, that now the federal government has placed felony charges on them.
Protesters don't usually block entrances to abortuaries and murder mills but I guess they felt convicted to try something else in the face of political stagnicity.
I've seen videos of what has happened in old video footage when protesters have tried to block doors at abortuaries and the local police become brutal.
It's b/c our nation literally wants to murder and sacrifice its own children. There's no other way to look at it.
"Evil and Greedy".
For over 50-60 years our people have been working on making this happen and HOW it could have passed as law, demonstrates that our people no longer fear God.
These 11 brothers in the Lord now have to go through the legal wringer. But before we start thinking that they crossed a line, I ask myself
what's going to happen when free speech is taken away - as in, you can't protest in front of abortuaries anymore?
THAT would also become illegal and then many more would find themselves in the legal wringer. What happens when you can no longer call out SIN? ...
That's extremely capable of happening in fact, that's the motive of the leftist machine in this country. They've already tried
to call reading the Bible or free speech in front of abortuaries some form of abuse... And that has been presented in court.
Because of the strands that are still holding together our constitutional rights, they weren't imposed as law but we've
seen just about every other tactic used to try and counter our constitutional rights already.
Who can trust what's law when "laws are made to be broken"?
Man gives law.... Man takes law away. Ho-Hum!
My mind is starting to consider that it's not exactly all about whether our people are just more evil than we were at
the start of our country. After seeing for myself the remnants and images of an America from the past at our Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia vacation, I'm trying to wrap my mind around the comparison between those times and our times.
Evils existed then also. ... Just as evil men existed then.
In those days, people didn't think twice about owning a slave. In fact, people could perhaps disappear like nothing and who would wonder about them?
Who could care for a slave other than the person profiting from them? Families could be torn apart at a blink of an eye, and again, who would care?
Families torn apart, just as they are today.
To own and enslave a person has to be one of the worst evils ever known to mankind, and yet it was everywhere back then IN THIS NATION. What was done to the native Indians living all over this country, was unfathomable, and yet it did happen.
My recent trip to Colonial Williamsburg, VA opened up more interest in learning about those times and what was really going on. I expect to do a lot more research on Colonial times. I feel like immersing myself in that time to see if I could really get to understand the type of people who lived then. Because I know there's a political side that wants me to believe that those people where God-conscience people, and then there is the other political side that wants me to recognize the evil that was in them.
Lately, another issue has come up and that is the issue of how could those people who seemed to be "more" moral than us today and more "God"-conscience, enslave people w/ no apology-- even to the degree that it would send them to a civil war in order to defend owning slaves???
These people had to be just as greedy and evil as we are today if they did that - and they did!
So who were these people on the inside?? ...
And when I read my Bible, Jesus would often say, "This wicked and adulterous generation", and that was 18 THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE the start of this nation!!!
The Protestant Reformation had a lot to do w/ the reason why we broke off from England. If these Protestants left the church of Eng. b/c they wanted to be free and start a "free" life somewhere away from the Church of Eng., due to their new found ability to interpret that Bible for themselves, etc.
But what about the interpretation of owning slaves? ... They apparently got that all wrong. What happened to their idea of "all men are created equal"? Didn't that come from that break from the church of england.?
What interpretation of the Bible allowed them to slaughter the Native Indians?
As in, "Do not murder", and "God created man in His image"?
There's more to lead me to believe that perhaps they left the Church of Eng. in order to be atheists and do whatever they wanted as hedonists - if anything! Because it wasn't the freedom to practice the Bible as it was read.
If it was the ignorance they had of the scriptures and how Judaeo-Christianity really worked, perhaps this is why they could tote their guns, Bibles and slaves back then.
What about the puritans? Were they all puritans?... Apparently not.
Some where perhaps more "pure" in the Word than others?...
So then more emphasis has to be added to my thinking that these people where not more God-conscience at all. I think it's just that TODAY we have MORE ACCESS to SIN and as time has passed, our hearts have hardened more and more. Our blessings and modernization has allowed out to kick God out of the picture more and more, and thus our imaginations to sin increase as a result of it. Which is the natural thing that happens when you give a child a gift, ... the gift becomes more important than the gift giver. People get lost in the gift.
Does that make us more evil today? ... Perhaps as a result, it does.
As it's written in the Book of Genesis, God looked down and saw that "Man had BECOME progressively MORE wicked as time lapsed, and the intention of the evil w/in their hearts increased on the earth... Their intentions to do evil increased more and more all the time.. and that's when God's judgment had to put a stop to it.
There's quite a bit of language and description of progressive evil in the book of Genesis AS WELL AS approaching the end times.
Therefore, things are going to become more and more evil before the coming of The Lord. With more access to sin, WE WILL ACCESS SIN MORE.. it's as simple as that.
Were those people in those funny clothes, living in those "backward" colonial times less evil than us today??..... YES AND NO.
Look what they did when they grew in power over the native Indians...
They over-powered people, enslaved, raped, pillaged, and took over and slaughtered. They created evil and murdered....
It HAS repeated itself over and over again in other circumstances after that, in other countries where we've had access and power, and leverage, etc.
The only diff. between us and those people w/ the funny shoes is that they had funny shoes and less access to porn than us! We decided we didn't want to inconvenience ourselves with the responsibilities of family life, so we diminished and keep diminishing the power of "the family", and murder our own children as a result.
The destroying our own nuclear family has become the evidence of a hard and contrite heart, and a heart that "wants what it wants".
God's order to "Be fruitful and multiply" is not being heeded. Male headship which is the image of God as to His order on how to run the family is being blasphemed and cursed by man in rebellion all sorts of ways, and
we're allowing it because we no longer FEAR God. Because we don't fear God, we no longer know Him.
Not knowing God means that what is "god to us" becomes our god or our idolatry, and so we've become a VERY PAGAN nation serving MANY DIFFERENT gODS. We're becoming just as pagan as the pagans we ran off from the land.
And that too is reminiscent of what happen after the children of Israel received the promise -- land to the disgrace of their people.
So those Colonial people were people just like people are. Whether they knew or followed the true God of the Bible, it's still the case, that you're only Christian if you're Christ-like (and truly born again of the Spirit of God). Just like today.
And this seems to me to be the more Biblically sound way to compare and contrast them and us today.
hey ... I agree!