When is it ok to lie?
When is ok to kill?
The idea of moral values being subjective is only in the dreams of people who want to deny The Creator who is holy enough to come up with them from the start -- thus denying Biblical Truth.
Because we are not able to live without objective moral values/reasoning.
This is why we need to live with police protection in our communities, we need to have laws, have a military, and even stop signs, etc.
History is proof that we can't live without them. Therefore, to say that NOW in this century which has seen more evil than in the previous 19 centuries combined; the thought that we're going to somehow "evolve" or even show signs of harnessing our evil, is to live ones life in "la la land".
As technology advances, PEACE doesn't increase, but ways to kill do increase.
I just keep running into people who want to adopt this air-headed mentality that suggests that they've never read anything in the history catagory - ever in their lives!
It's embarrassing really... for an adult to fix their imagination on the hopes of an idea that the world is going to fix itself by an amazing magic-like, contageious epidemic of "inner love" from SOMEWHERE deep within humanity....
And yet the Bible teaches that it's from this same place within humanity where evil comes from.
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
-Jeremiah 17:9
WAKE UP!!!... and smell reality.
God's mercy be upon us all.