Saturday, May 30, 2015


Today, the message that should be preached THE MOST, ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE (especially in your churches) is .... 

The Gospel of Christ...  The message of salvation:

Although God's message to the world and in our contemporary times is as diverse as anyone can devise a topic to preach and teach - the times we're living in demand that we put forth nothing but the clearest and purest Gospel message possible.

And that message is that our risen Christ is our only salvation from our sins and the judgement that is to come.   We need to repent daily and center our lives entirely on Him; making Him and only Him our God and Lord because He is soon to return to judge the earth, and the signs of these times testify to His Truth.  Let us seek Him daily and religiously feeding on His Word, the Bible for growth in holiness (grace and knowledge)  because our eternal state depends on it.  

And as it turns out, this main message is just as pertinent to those in the faith as it is for those not in the faith.
Any other message is a side note.  
Blessings to all.