Saturday, January 24, 2015

A heart for Truth ...

... Is better than "itchy ears".

"For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."- 2 Timothy 4:3

This scripture speaks volumes of what is going on today.  The false teachers are everywhere.  You can identify them once you know true doctrine.  Most of the time, false teachers will either alter the character of each member of The Holy Trinity and/or the Gospel.  

But a pure and humble submission to scripture by God's grace is the only protection from "itchy ears".

Pray that God's Holy Spirit may direct you in His Truth through His Word and allow you submit to knowledge of His Word.  Jesus said that He came to give sight to the blind, and taught that the Father is more than willing to give to His children all those good things that are needed.  God is more than willing that we all have His Truth and live by it. 

The ministry of The Holy Spirit among many things is to deliver God's Truth to us, make it known, and have us spread it forward.  

Therefore, seek His Truth with a pure heart, in humility, honestly, and God will graciously provide His Truth through His Word to you. 
