But every time we see science programs on TV, we see the desperation to find signs of life in space, signs of habitable planets, etc. And I would even be bold enough to say that much if not, most of the knowledge we now have of the universe has been fueled by this strong desire to find life beyond our planet.
Every new thing that is discovered or learned about our universe, always seems to be in competition with theism or more so, the Biblical understanding of God and human origin. This is because the secular world is tired of debating the argument for the "Theory of Evolution". Most of Evolution theory honestly points to a creator and contradicts the theory that "everything came out of nothing". And for those who think evolution theory is somehow compatible with the Bible, they are themselves caught in a snare with the clear Biblical language that then challenges their loyalty and faith in God's Word.
But the natural human knows that there is a creator and can only use a myriad of crafty philosophies and theories to suppress that innate knowledge of God within them (Romans Chapt. 1). And those who want to straddle the fence on the subject will continue losing the debate on both their lack of knowledge of science and their lack of faith in what is written in scripture.
And this is a VERY serious thing because in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, it teaches that we have to have a "love of the Truth" and a curse is placed on those who do not love and pursue truth but instead give themselves over to lies. The chapter discusses many deceptions that will come in the last days and one is heeded to put Truth above all things.
Romans Chapt. 1 teaches that man is naturally in rebellion to God (Truth), and therefore, it takes humility and submission to Truth in order to attain it. Truth does not come naturally to us, it is itself a gift of God. And what IS the Truth?? God has manifested Himself in Christ (The Word) as Truth, therefore, The Word IS Christ (John Chapt 1). Scripture is The Word. The Gospel is scripture.
The manifestation of God in His written Word has been given to us in scripture (The Bible). Not to take The Word as God intended it, is to go against The Word (Jesus says: "You are either for me or against me"). Because of that natural rebellion and suppression of Truth, many find it easy to go against the authority of God's Word written in scripture. And we see this demonstrated every time people liberalize Biblical doctrine. In many cases, Biblical doctrines are REJECTED even before a crafty and deceptive interpretation of it is erected in their minds. Rejecting Biblical doctrines is now more of a fad, or the "in" thing to do simply because people follow the cultural norm of adhering to deceptive and irrational anti-Christian secularism.
But like mentioned before, these are all natural human reactions to God's Truth outside of a blessed, truly honest, and God - led pursuit of actual Truth. Jesus said:
" If you seek me, you WILL find me".
"My sheep hear my voice"...
It is "life and death" important to believe what has been written (God's revelation). Because ANYTHING we know OF GOD, we've learned through the Word. If we know it's wrong to steal, kill and covet, it's because The Word informed us. The Bible teaches that unless you have Christ (The Word), you cannot have "The Father". "I and the Father are one". Jesus was the mouth piece for God, and He stated this countlessly throughout the Gospels. We can't submit to the knowledge of a deity and ignore His revelation, which is His Word, The Bible.
Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; "... 1 John 9-10
If we reject God's Word (Christ), we reject God.
" For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart". - Hebrews 4:12