The UN in an effort to criticize the Vatican on its issues concerning sexual abuse, has also slipped in the call for the catholic church to also amend its canon on moral teachings concerning homosexuality, abortion and contraception. (link included above)
The new pope, Francis' recent comments on his stance concerning the doctrines of morality and salvation have been wishy-washy to the point where he has stated that everyone can go to heaven - even atheists as long as they "do good".
And when he claimed "Who am I to judge" when discussing homosexuality, he positioned himself more accepting of the immoral lifestyle than defending Biblical doctrine.
The world has long since been calling for a more "sensitive" Vatican, and thus with Francis, this is what they'll soon get. So much so, that the pluralistic move to embody all religions together by the catholic church including the non religious has got the world drunk over this new pope; religious and non religious alike.
And this is exactly what is prophesied in the Book of Revelation that the world will come together both economically and religiously in the last days under a one-world system.
While people are inebriated with the unfolding of an artificial worldly peace, this is when all Hell will break loose.
The catholic church has over hundreds of years added and subtracted unbiblical doctrines to their canon especially when their authority is more on church doctrine than on Biblical doctrine. Therefore, it wouldn't be anything new for the church to make changes to doctrine to suit the culture, and this is what the world wants. When push comes to shove, the UN's call for a compromise of catholic doctrine is just a matter of time before MORE changes take place.
Then greater pressure and attacks will result to all true followers of sound Biblical doctrine in the way of profound persecution.
We have to see this threat for what it truly is! The UN making demands on the Vatican to alter its doctrines on morality for the sake of what the UN deems is "human rights" causes is blatant especially when for thousands of years, the foundation of Christianity has been its Biblical doctrine, and MILLIONS have been put to death to defend it since its inception.
How does the UN think that any of that has changed simply because the culture has changed, and has progressively fallen into aberrant immorality?
It's because the political aspect of all this conflict is only a shadow of the true spiritually evil force that is behind it. The deception is blinding and the hate is about to boil over.
God is the same yesterday, today and forever and so the true follower of Christ will also be the same yesterday, today and forever.
"Heaven and earth shall pass away but, My Words shall never pass away". - Mark 13:31
It's high time to pray, keep watch, and pray some more.
Christ's grace and peace to you.