Oh how Satan hates us! He doesn't want us to reproduce. He wants to stifle our numbers as so plainly demonstrated by the millions of murdered unborn in our country and around the world. By the proliferation of homosexuality and same-sex unions so as to reduce procreation.
And another one of his evil schemes is by continuing to convince our modern culture that the height of personal fulfillment in ones life can only be attained by not having children.
Those that argue that "children aren't for everyone" have a good point. But that argument has always been reserved for people who have impediments to fulfilling their responsibilities of being a good parent, not for the sake of directly pushing aside the calling and societal importance of parenthood to replace it with the sole pursuit of pleasure and selfishness. That mentality has always been frowned upon... but not today!
And this is the mentality being pushed today in our society. For people who are already adults, have grown children, and just plainly disagree with this evil suggestion of hedonism, we're not all that affected by this trend. But for our youth today, this rising mentality in the mainstream of society can have a huge impact.
Procreation is one of the mandates of God found in the Bible. Unless there are biological impediments to growing a family, there is but one mentality against having children and that is one of self-worship and putting the material in the place of God which is idolatry.
In the case of abortion, the message being sent is that we are God and we can do whatever we want with our bodies by murdering our own children. The message being sent to our youth with "A child free Life" is that children are a nuisance and thus you'll ruin your life by having kids.
This message is everywhere in our TV/Cable sitcoms, comedy skits, media, etc.
Most of the coverage of "family" in the media today are to highlight dysfunction and disorder, etc.
Lets pray for our youth who are the targets of evil every single day.