The Bible states " It's appointed once to die and then the judgment" - Hebrews 9:27.
People die at a very old age, people die in the womb, and at every age in between, and for various causes.
Therefore, we are only a breath away from eternity.
Does it make sense to cover our eyes with our hand and deny the sunshine? Or is it rational to go through life putting off the thought of our appointment with death by drowning ourselves in the cares of this world?
How can we reconcile the powerful dichotomies of this existence like "life and death", "Good and evil", and not consider the only thing that can explain it - God?
The Bible is the only way to explain these things, explains who we are, and explains our relationship to the Creator.
Any other explanation of who we are, what is our purpose, and our relation to God is completely foundation-less and man-centered.
Humility and an honest heart will open the scriptures up to us through the Holy Spirit of God who reveals His Truth through the scriptures. Any other way to receive this knowledge from God is futile.
Jesus said "those that are on the side of truth listen to me"- John 18:37
God promises that if we seek Him with all our hearts and all our minds, we will find Him.
(Jeremiah 29:13,
Deuteronomy 4:29)
Finding Him means that we have found "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14:6).
"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free".
Free from what? Free from the slavery of SIN. All who sin are slaves of sin.
The minute we think we can stop, that's when we sin even more! What more proof can we have of our helplessness and fallen nature than not being able to stop sinning. We know what sin is, because our conscience tells us.
But when we trust and abide in Christ, God's Holy Spirit begins to work in our hearts and we experience God's promise of restoration. We gain new desires, new hopes, knowledge and wisdom through His Word and grace.
This is the supernatural work of God and not of our own strengths to change.
All to shape us into a NEW CREATION in Christ, eternally sealed for His purpose. This is truly the Good news!
Let us seek Him with all our hearts and minds while we still can!
God bless.