This is a Christian "world view" perspective Blog with videos, sermons and teachings from the Bible which is our hope and my faith. The focus here is to show how current world events are the reason why we need to have a greater understanding about ourselves and the world around us. The Bible once humbly studied, is a history book of God's relationship to human kind throughout the ages and human kind's purpose on the Earth.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sometimes you just have to ask why are Facebook walls draped with so much self-help, motivational- pep talk-type positive messages directed towards people? Why is the self-help section In every book store SOOOO huge???
I'm not asking why these things exist, I'm asking why are they so prevalent and take up so much room in our lives???
Have you ever noticed that MOST of these messages ARE NOT new ideas or new philosophies but simply REMINDERS of things and concepts we already know and understand?
So why do we have to continually be reminded about the same ol things day to day, to day, to day in order to cope.. etc. ????
Things like, "When you fall down, if you can look up, you can get up".... by Wes Brown (one of my personal favorites).
Or .... "If you think positive, you'll be positive".
In the early 90's I was very much into a lot of motivational speakers like We Brown, Napoleon Hill, Wayne Dyer, etc.
These are simply "perspectives" that we already knew but somehow needed to be reminded of in order to alter our current state of mind from negative to positive. Perhaps b/c of the situation or frustration or dilemma we're currently in.. we're not able to re-focus back to a state of mind that we should have been in to begin with.
So if we would have been in that state of mind to begin with (positive), we probably would not have had to be reminded to go back to that "positive" state of mind. ...hmmm? Ever consider that?
But the problem is #1 why do we have to continually be reminded, and re-reminded over and over again to get back to these "positive" perspectives? As we know, we have to deal w/ dilemmas every single day. And as soon as one dilemma seems to disappear, we learn that tomorrow brings 3 more dilemmas in life. Isn't this true?
So why can't we stay in that positive state of mind knowing fully well that problems, frustrations and issues are such a normal part of life??
Or is it that even with all the self-help, positive thinking and pep talk we read and receive,.... it's still not enough? So then although we hear all those positive messages... we turn around and say.... "yeah, yeah, I know, I know".... but the issues and the problems are MORE than these "would be" motivational antidotes.
I believe that this is the case. Although we all like and appreciate all those pep-talk, positive and self-help motivational messages... it's just NOT ENOUGH for us as humans.
It's one thing to HEAR them and another thing to LIVE them.
It would be ultra-difficult to know WHY this is the case but for ONE REASON.
... Because these are EMPTY PROMISES. They're good messages but empty promises. To me, a promise is anything that is suppose to achieve and sustain that which was sought after. And in most cases, these messages make us feel good but then by the end of the day if not, 5 mins later, we feel empty again.
These positive messages, although they tickle the consciousness, they do little to penetrate the individual soul. And now you're thinking this sounds a little too "SUPERNATURAL"..... It's because it is! IT'S SPIRITUAL.
As you know, many people can't tap in to real Spirituality. The Bible teaches that true spirituality can only be attained by a personal relationship with God, Jesus Christ.
So although the Bible doesn't teach that we're supposed to live in bliss here on earth before He returns, it does teach something that NO empty motivational message can ever do for us.
It teaches that God promises to be there with us if we truly love him.
"All things work together for good to those who love God". - Romans 8:28
"Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness and everything else will be added unto you". - Matt. 6:33
"That where your treasures are .... your heart will be also". - Matt. 6:21
"If anyone thirst let them come to me"! - John 7:37
So here we see that whatever we desire the most will motivate where we derive our happiness from.
If one's happiness is derived from a strong desire for power then nothing on earth, not even the most awesome motivational messages will satisfy the soul because it's that one thing we're stuck on that's keeping us from appreciating life.
If we're lonely and only the "perfect man or woman we seek" is where we derive our happiness from... then we can't move on until we find that person we desire.
Sometimes what we desire for ourselves isn't what a perfect God would want for His child.
God doesn't operate on the limitations of time but we do... and we can't see the end from the beginning like God can. God says
" I'm the beginning and the end ". - Rev. 22:13.
So we see that we have to continually pop the empty calories of self-help, motivational pep talk messages but it will never edify the soul..... because only a TRUE relationship with Christ will get us to stop searching. You can only stop searching when you've FOUND the Truth. The Bible teaches .... "And you will KNOW the Truth and the Truth will set you free". Jesus said....
" I AM the TRUTH, the way and the life...." - John 14:6
One can only be set free by FINDING and then KNOWING the Truth and Jesus is the Truth.
Now we see that there's a big diff. between positive messages that have NO substance to them and promises of God that HAVE substance, foundation, Truth to them.
A major difference.
And although bliss is never promised while on earth..... "Jesus said ...
" I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33
From now on... let a TRUE relationship with Christ be the foundation of our motivation to go through life. Not some empty words that are candy-coated around OUR OWN HUMAN limitations. Our strength within doesn't even exist apart from God. Instead, let the constant need of those empty positive messages be a proof to us that we obviously need MORE to hold on to. Strength only comes from within.... IF we have Christ w/in us.
Consider these scripture verses....
"Apart from me, you can do nothing" ... - John 15:5
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" ... - Phil 4:13
"Ask anything in my name and you shall receive".... - John 14:14
To God be the glory always, amen!