Friday, March 23, 2012

Atheist Billboard in Brooklyn

How disrespectful. This is obviously done to try and antagonize the religious community in this neighborhood. What that knucklehead fails to see is that beliefs aren't entities outside of actual human beings so to disrespect other people's beliefs is indeed disrespecting those people that have those beliefs.  There's no such thing as respecting people and not respecting their beliefs; especially if those beliefs aren't harming anyone else.

If he only meant to draw out any non-religious people who live in the area (like this person claims), there are a lot better ways to do it other than to step on the toes on those that are religious.    But this is part of the abuse and persecution growing in the world today, and persecution and prejudice that we'll continue to see growing more and more.

This is a perfect example of someone who can't attain morals through "relativistic reasoning" because he can't tell the difference between what's offensive and what's not.  Notice his relative morals through his mis-guided "reasoning".  It's either that or the organization needs to fire him and get someone who's better at marketing.