It's that time of year again.. when people celebrate this holiday. Most people don't care other than that they remember having so much fun on Halloween. I'm one of them; I remember having so much fun on Halloween as a kid. But at a certain point in a person's life, things become more about principles and if those principles are about honoring God "in all things", then one has to consider not celebrating this holiday.
If you look up the history of Halloween, you'll find different information about it; where it came from, who celebrated it, for what purpose, etc. But all in all, it doesn't honor God and it's not represented in the Bible. What I found in common is that it was celebrated to worhip other gods, other pagan or un Christian practices...
nothing Good to say the least. Therefore, I move to keep it out of my home as well as anything else that won't honor God (as much I can help it).
But if you see me post a picture of baby Jav. in a little Halloween costume it's because I couldn't stop Claudia from persuing ultimate baby cutness! | Be safe out there!