Saturday, May 14, 2011

Christian apologies???....

I recently saw a documentary about a Christian who traveled around apologizing to people of alternative lifestyles (homosexuals, transgenered, lesbians, etc). He set up a booth with a camera and indivdually apologized to people as they curiously entered for what he called "Christian persecution" of these people over Christian history. Not all of these people recieved his message favorably but I couldn't help notice that greater emphasis was on those that did appreciate his apologies and the whole documentary seemed to hindge on these.

But not once did this guy back up anything he was doing with biblical scripture which does indeed (and clearly) state that homosexuality is an abominiation before God (as is murder, lying, stealing, adultery, etc). Personally, I wasn't surprised he didn't get more people feeling patronized than anything else.

I felt that he needed to make a distinction between those that would persecute anyone and true Christianity and I didn't notice him make that distinction. The message needs to be clear that although the Bible is clear on God's judgements, true Christians don't persecute people for their sins because we're all sinners and need repentance.

The makers of this documentary failed to make these clear distinctions and highlight that their true intentions weren't to acomidate a sinful lifestyle but to make a distinction between true and false Christianity.

As a result of this the film makers in my opinion only added insult to injury to this population. The film makers motive and message should keep anyone in a fuzzy cloud of confusion. Bottom line, what's the apology for if the film makers still believes that these people are under God's condemnation? The only apology is not for what's written in the Bible but how some so-called Christian might have passed on that message in a evil-spirited way; and this is what the film makers failed to do.

The messages found within the scriptures have been consistant for thousands of years. There shouldn't be any apologies for what has always been there. The Bible states that God is the same today, tomorrow and always. If society changes as a result of disobedience to God, what are we apologizing for? One either believes the Bible or one doesn't. The only wrong is when people misinterpret the Bible or behave in ways that are not acceptable or unGodly - and that there is human error not Biblical error. Human history has proven that man destroyes everything he touches and religion (relationship with God) is no different.

But the standard is indeed already set. It's only when we decide to be disobedient to that Godly standard and step out of the Word and God's law that we inevitably make mistakes. We inevitably allow ourselves to be guided by our own agendas, passions, impulses and opinions... But since the standard is already set, we have no excuse. The Word of God is that standard and anyone who keeps their eyes fixed on Jesus Christ whole heartedly will indeed stay on that straight and narrow path of His truth.