The government's left wing party inevitably growing ever more towards socialism and communism, is being empowered by these special interests in order to bring about abrupt cultural change and social revolution. Now they want to increase the persecution by setting this legislation that would treat aberrant sexual lifestyles as though they were a racial people group by attaching them on to the civil rights laws of the 1960's.
Among the many other abuses, this bill would legislate :
- the By passing our Freedom of Religion: You cannot appeal to constitutional religious liberties.
- the By passing our Freedom of Speech
- Businesses would be forced to allow men in women's restrooms.
- Doctors would be forced to give children puberty blockers.
- Churches and religious counseling and publications would be prohibited from suggesting that the behavior of homosexuality could be reversed (calling it "conversion therapy").
- Parents who refuse to give their children puberty blockers would lose custody of their children.
-Employers would be forced to provide medical insurance for "gender transitioning".
-People would get sued and financially bankrupted for using "improper gender pronouns" when dealing with people of LGBT community.
Listen to Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel:
Homosexuality is a behavior and a lifestyle NOT an orientation: