This is a Christian "world view" perspective Blog with videos, sermons and teachings from the Bible which is our hope and my faith. The focus here is to show how current world events are the reason why we need to have a greater understanding about ourselves and the world around us. The Bible once humbly studied, is a history book of God's relationship to human kind throughout the ages and human kind's purpose on the Earth.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Elementary School Tragedy in Newtown, Ct.
What is going on??? Tragic, mass killings back to back, to back... One uglier than the next.
Not much information is out about the individual (Adam Lanza) other than after killing his own mother he then opened fire on children at an elementary school. The 20 year old man wore all black and tactical gear, and had an assault rifle and two handguns.
This comes only days after another maniac in a hockey mask opened fire in a Portland, mall killing two people including himself.
And not long before that, there was another nut job that opened fire in a movie theatre in Colorado with his hair painted up like "the joker" from the Batman movies, and in the same state where the Columbine tragedy took place a in 1999. Those evil dorks that killed teachers and students in Columbine High School called themselves "The Trench coat Mafia" carrying a lot of guns and ammunition.
This type of violence is on the rise and no one can deny that there is definitely something evil impacting our society. The fact that many people consider this as the "thing to do" is pretty desperate and pathetic.
So now the "bad boy image" has gone from James Dean to Screech-looking computer dweebs on a vengeance and who ain't gonna to take it anymore! And there are apparently a lot of them out there with the increased cases of bullying in the schools.
There are reports that this young man might have suffered from Azberger's syndrome which they say is not considered a mental illness. It's referred to as a higher level dysfunction in relation to
When asked if there's a correlation between Azberger's syndrome and violence, the "experts" say there isn't. But I find that answer might lack some information because Azberger's Syndrome has only recently been in public attention as cases have seemed to increase within the last 10 or 15 years. Therefore, there wouldn't be too many studies connecting it with violence to begin with. For people who suffer from Azberger's Syndrome, they tend to have social abnormalities in personality and manifests itself in isolating behaviors as well as a high singular obsessive focus on certain things and activities. One child could display a repetitive and obsessive behavior in painting while another one could display this in violent video games in which case, one might not cultivate a progressive fantasy in violence but the other might.
This being said, the shooter's mother who was first murdered by her son before the shooting spree at the elementary school was said to be an avid firearms collector. If there was anyone who knew the violent propensity of her son, it had to be her. But then why would she have guns at his reach? Perhaps she was an avid collector of firearms and the son had an obsession with guns... who knows? We don't know that he himself owned any guns - perhaps he would need to be at least 21 years of age for that. But even before his 21rst birthday, firearms would be related to their demise.
Regardless of whether his Azberger's Syndrome had any involvement in his murderous rampage, the fact that he can kill his mother, smash his computer to prevent the police to investigate his motives and then prepare himself like Rambo with guns and dressed in all black demonstrates how intent he was in committing his crimes. And then when confronted, committing suicide by shooting himself. This shows plenty mental capacity.
But we're left now with the nation arguing for "gun control" when it should be arguing for "better gun control". One ridiculous politician suggested our teachers and principles need to be armed to protect our schools. And just when I thought what came out of that politician's mouth was like the words of "Sylvester the Cat" preaching a sermon, behold, more people are commenting and agreeing with him. In fact, firearm sales went up after the elementary school shootings because people think their gun rights are going to be minimized.
There truly isn't a reason to have high powered assault rifles of war in any household. Perhaps the argument of protecting ones family with a loaded hand gun might be a strong one. But I personally can't take a chance raising children and having a loaded gun in the house. And if it's not loaded and ready to go in case of an emergency, what good is it?
If we could actually depend on our justice system and our communities and people would actually look out for one another instead of every man and woman for themselves, we could definitely have a better argument against gun ownership.
But this indeed is a case for "more" gun control because we need to go after these high powered assault weapons of war and something has to give especially when we're coming under attack as in "revenge of the nerds".... or "revenge of the demented gamer-dweebs"!
And my stomach turned when I saw Quentin Tarantino justify his Whack-blood-drenched- gory movies that each have more senseless killing than an actual script. Absolute garbage I would never watch.
The far right says their war guns aren't to blame and the far left say it's not their gory movies and video games, and sin runs rampant along the whole continuum.
And they're all wrong because it's the wicked heart inside of man that wants to flirt with shooting and killing toys and the depravity in humankind that fetishes with the anger, hate, violence and lust within our entertainment. This is undeniably the cause of what happens in any human catastrophe like that of these recent senseless killings. And although evil does indeed play a huge part in this people are always inclined to ask that same question..... "Why would God allow this to happen"?
The Bible teaches that there's only ONE God. But it also teaches that there is only ONE road to God, and that is the man, Jesus. Jesus said any other way to God and one would be considered a thief because He and He alone is the "Door". Therefore, I won't speak for other religions.
However, self proclaimed Christians are often asking the question "Why would God allow this to happen"? And it's a shame because those fundamental answers are found in the Word of God. You can't humbly seek God's wisdom when reading the Bible and not find to these answers. But it is when we read the Bible like it's required reading or a Mark Twain book that won't be blessed with God's wisdom. Jesus said, that when you seek Him with ALL YOUR HEART, you shall find him.
As sad as it is when 20 beautiful children and 6 dedicated school staff are brutally killed, it's admittedly just as devastating when families are buried in a earthquake in some 3rd world country. Or when children lost their lives in the Oklahoma City bombing, or hundreds and thousands of children die from starvation around the world, etc. Indeed, these are the realities we never want to face but are forced to when they happen near to us.
But anyone who can't see the parallel between these murders of babies in an elementary school and the deliberate assault of scissor-like tools tearing babies apart while safe in the womb really has to take a hypocrisy check.
The Bible teaches that because of sin, Death is our enemy. However, Christ conquered Death for us when He took on the punishment that was meant for us because of God's judgment on sin. So the only way to combat sin and minimized the affect of sin within our lives is to give ourselves over to what is Truth, Just, Love, Holiness and by submitting to the author of Truth, Justice, Love and Holiness. There's no other Way.... there's no other Truth, and there's no other Life. (John 14:6)
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A time to die....
And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,... " - Hebrews 9:27
People know that it's said and predicted in the scriptures that we're all appointed a time to die. Once we leave THIS KNOWN EXISTENCE, we'll be out of the realm of earthly time, and into an UNKNOWN EXISTENCE we're very foreign of. The scriptures teach that everything will be known as well as anything that is to be remembered of that former existence, in this life. @ which time, we can no longer make up anything that we've done.. .just like even now, we can't make up for things we've done here in this existence, even so, we won't be able to go back to this existence and change our attitudes, our thinking, our hearts, and our actions, etc.
Just as we all agree that DEATH is a reality so we also agree that none of us know WHEN our time of death will come. Death doesn't stop short for the poor or wealthy, elderly or young, powerful or famous of which we know is a fact. Therefore, how are we to be, act, think or how are we to live as people who know that the mystery of death is literally upon us? This fact affects us all.
Is it practical, rational, or even intelligent to walk in indifference to this inevitable fact of life and death? Is it a coincidence that inevitable death is perhaps the most morbid and unpleasant of all conversations known to man?
This is where we run into the search for TRUTH. The world is divided between two different types of humans... those that are searching for truth and those that believe they've found the truth.
Which are you?
If one believes they have found and have the truth, then one has to comfort themselves enough to believe they have a solid foundation to believe in that "truth".
But if one is still in search for truth here is what Christ said concerning Himself....
"I am the way, the Truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me". - John 14:6
Jesus is claiming that He is the Truth and the only way to God. These words are very clear.
He is also claiming to be "the life" and the only "way".
As in the words of Joshua, "....choose you this day who you will serve but as for me and my house, I will serve the Lord" - Joshua - 24:15.
We all have to make a decision and if we think that we're not, consider this.... the holy scriptures teach that God has given enough revelation of who He is to all humanity. God's existence is demonstrated by our creation, how we relate to one another, and in everything He's created around us, etc.
It's simply a matter of whether we're honestly seeking the Truth and the Bible teaches that once we've found the Truth, the "Truth will set us free". Set us free from what? Set us free from anything that bounds us... ie confusion, uncertainty, lies, evil, sin, mysteries, ourselves, death, judgment, etc., etc.
Jesus said "Those who seek me with all their hearts will find me". But anyone who already claims to know the truth, won't be looking for the truth. Likewise, anyone who doesn't want to face the truth, won't be looking for the truth either.
The scriptures does not make a distinction between nonbelievers and those who choose not to actively decide, where to put their faith, or agnostics or atheists but are regarded as those who reject the Truth (Christ) of God.
Jesus said "You can't serve two masters.. .you'll either love one or hate the other". The Bible teaches that to reject that which has already been revealed to mankind is a sinful rejection of God and counts towards eternal separation from God.
How often have we unwillingly driven or walked passed a cemetery and our minds had to stop in it's train of thought. What thoughts are evoked when we're looking into that cemetery? Do we consider passed loved ones who have died or do we start thinking about our own inevitable time of death?...
So the question is ... Have you found the Truth, or are you still looking for it?
It might be that you already know of the Truth but have to believe it enough to put your faith entirely on the Truth. And when it comes to life and death, to walk in the Truth is to have an dynamic change of one's life all together.
" Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12
People know that it's said and predicted in the scriptures that we're all appointed a time to die. Once we leave THIS KNOWN EXISTENCE, we'll be out of the realm of earthly time, and into an UNKNOWN EXISTENCE we're very foreign of. The scriptures teach that everything will be known as well as anything that is to be remembered of that former existence, in this life. @ which time, we can no longer make up anything that we've done.. .just like even now, we can't make up for things we've done here in this existence, even so, we won't be able to go back to this existence and change our attitudes, our thinking, our hearts, and our actions, etc.
Just as we all agree that DEATH is a reality so we also agree that none of us know WHEN our time of death will come. Death doesn't stop short for the poor or wealthy, elderly or young, powerful or famous of which we know is a fact. Therefore, how are we to be, act, think or how are we to live as people who know that the mystery of death is literally upon us? This fact affects us all.
Is it practical, rational, or even intelligent to walk in indifference to this inevitable fact of life and death? Is it a coincidence that inevitable death is perhaps the most morbid and unpleasant of all conversations known to man?
This is where we run into the search for TRUTH. The world is divided between two different types of humans... those that are searching for truth and those that believe they've found the truth.
Which are you?
If one believes they have found and have the truth, then one has to comfort themselves enough to believe they have a solid foundation to believe in that "truth".
But if one is still in search for truth here is what Christ said concerning Himself....
"I am the way, the Truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me". - John 14:6
Jesus is claiming that He is the Truth and the only way to God. These words are very clear.
He is also claiming to be "the life" and the only "way".
As in the words of Joshua, "....choose you this day who you will serve but as for me and my house, I will serve the Lord" - Joshua - 24:15.
We all have to make a decision and if we think that we're not, consider this.... the holy scriptures teach that God has given enough revelation of who He is to all humanity. God's existence is demonstrated by our creation, how we relate to one another, and in everything He's created around us, etc.
It's simply a matter of whether we're honestly seeking the Truth and the Bible teaches that once we've found the Truth, the "Truth will set us free". Set us free from what? Set us free from anything that bounds us... ie confusion, uncertainty, lies, evil, sin, mysteries, ourselves, death, judgment, etc., etc.
Jesus said "Those who seek me with all their hearts will find me". But anyone who already claims to know the truth, won't be looking for the truth. Likewise, anyone who doesn't want to face the truth, won't be looking for the truth either.
The scriptures does not make a distinction between nonbelievers and those who choose not to actively decide, where to put their faith, or agnostics or atheists but are regarded as those who reject the Truth (Christ) of God.
Jesus said "You can't serve two masters.. .you'll either love one or hate the other". The Bible teaches that to reject that which has already been revealed to mankind is a sinful rejection of God and counts towards eternal separation from God.
How often have we unwillingly driven or walked passed a cemetery and our minds had to stop in it's train of thought. What thoughts are evoked when we're looking into that cemetery? Do we consider passed loved ones who have died or do we start thinking about our own inevitable time of death?...
So the question is ... Have you found the Truth, or are you still looking for it?
It might be that you already know of the Truth but have to believe it enough to put your faith entirely on the Truth. And when it comes to life and death, to walk in the Truth is to have an dynamic change of one's life all together.
" Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12
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