This new Arizona law highlights the need for the White House to lead, and for Congress to enact, comprehensive immigration reform that will increase border security, provide more responsive legal avenues through which future workers can come to the U.S., and require undocumented immigrants currently in the U.S. to earn the right to stay in this country while paying appropriate penalties.
Every day that the federal government fails to enact comprehensive immigration reform, families continue to live in fear in our country. Florida pastor Joel Hunter got it right when he testified before Congress, saying, "In the end, I believe our nation will be not be judged by the productivity of our budgets, or the genius of our laws, or even the earnestness of our faith communities. We will be judged, both by history and by God, by the way we treated people, especially those who needed our help."
Arizona's Border Crisis:
Why Christians should oppose the state's new immigration law.
(5/12/10)Massachusettes like Arizona in addtion to other states are acting on extreme immigrant-hating laws. These laws are motivated by fear, ignorance and a displacment of anger on people who can't defend themselves. They're nothing more than a leap backwards in human rights and are lead by an evil spirit of hate and fear. In order to justify this racist hysteria, people are trying to characterize illegal immagrants as mostly crimminals, drug traffikers and people trying to take american jobs. The mere characteriation of anyone referred to as an "illegal alien" is enought to evoke an image of some kind of monster. And anyone who denies that this abuse doesn't also effect all Latino Americans is blind.
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